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Op12.02-8 Privacy


As an educational institution, Missouri State University encourages our students, faculty, staff and guests to advance learning and understanding through communication and collaborative teamwork. Missouri State acknowledges that these functions may require a certain level of privacy and protection, and it strives to provide a reasonably safe information systems environment. Please remember that access to university computer systems and facilities is a privilege, not a right, and abuse of that privilege can result in its loss.

Additionally, this policy is subject to all other information services policies. Please review all the information technology policies.

Policy statement

While authorized users cannot assume an expectation of privacy regarding data, information or electronic communications contained on University computers and systems, the University does take reasonable precautions to protect its accounts, personally identifiable records and personal communications from unauthorized access or disclosure:

  • University web sites that display personal information, such as the website, will only display an individual's records after the proper password has been entered. These sites will also ensure data communication security by using server authentication, encryption, and data/message integrity.
  • University email, accounts and voice mailboxes may only be accessed after the appropriate user ID and password have been entered.
  • System administrators and data custodians follow procedures to protect the confidentiality of personal or confidential information encountered in the performance of their duties.
  • The University does not rent or sell personally identifiable University data to anyone. Per a contractual agreement, the University does provide data on students 18 years and older to the University's affinity credit card company for promotional mailings, usually a couple times per year. The University also provides data on graduates for use by the Missouri State Alumni Association and Missouri State Foundation so that graduates can receive regular information about their alma mater.

If the Chief Information Officer believes a system has been compromised, the University will notify the authorized users.

However, the University does not attempt to protect data that have been made public by a user or generic data that are not personalized to a specific user. Examples of generic data include log files, network jack data and IP address assignments. Additionally, the University cannot guarantee the security of commercial wireless services.

Authorized users also play a key role in protecting data and records. They should not share their passwords with others. Also, they should close the web browser every time they finish using a web application that required a password for access and logoff their accounts when they finish using a computer.
