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Pearson Education
"Drs. Niles and Harris Bowlsbey have taught career courses for a combined total of nearly 90 years to students in numerous universities in the United States as well as in Argentina, Australia China, New Zealand, Italy, India, Finland , Portugal, Japan, United Arab Emirates, Ireland, Turkey, South Africa, Canada, Qatar, Sweden, Spain, Belgium, England, Rwanda, Scotland, Switzerland, Singapore, Taiwan, Denmark, and Estonia.. Wherever students are interested in learning about career development theory and practice, we are eager to go- - in person or online! In each instance, however, not only are we teaching students about career development interventions, but students also teach us. The idea for this book began in response to student requests (pleas) for a textbook that was readable, practical, and interesting. These are high but reasonable expectations which have served as our guiding principles as we initially wrote and continue to update and improve these chapters and their extensive resource materials"--
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